Sunday, 14 October 2012

Learning Model

Learning Model

On going process of learning can not be separated with the surrounding environment. Indeed, learning is not confined to the four walls of the classroom. Learning approach to remove the saturation and create learners who love the environment.
Based on learning theory, the approach to meaningful learning environments. Verbal attitudes of students toward mastery of concepts can be minimized and understanding students will be burned into his memory.
The fruits of education and the learning process will eventually lead to the environment. The benefits will be felt when the success of the learning gained from learning what can be applied and implemented in the reality of life. This is one of the underlying positive learning environment approach.
Learning model approach to the environment, is not a new teaching approach, but has been well known and popular, it's just often overlooked. As is the approach to the environment is a learning strategy that uses the environment as a learning objective, learning resources and learning tools. It can be used to solve environmental problems and to instill the love attitude (Karli and Yuliaritiningsih, 2002).
Learning the most effective approach is applied in primary schools. This is relevant to the level of intellectual development of primary school age (7-11 years old) are in the concrete operational stage (Piaget, the Wilis: 154). The same thing is said Margaretha SY, (2002) that the tendency of elementary school students who love to play and move led children prefer to learn through exploration and inquiry outside of the classroom.
The concepts of science and environment students can easily master students through observations on the concrete situation. The positive impact of the implementation of the approach that students can be motivated attitude of curiosity about something in the environment.

 If we contemplate the four pillars of education which is learning to know (belajar untuk mengetahui), learning to be (belajar untuk menjadi jati dirinya), learning to do (Belajar untuk mengerjakan sesuatu) and learning to life together (belajar untuk bekerja sama) can be implemented through learning approach that is packaged in such a way the teacher.

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